Congratulations to Dr Anders Poulsen Charmouh!

The pop-gen celebratory cake!
Proud supervisor and examination team.
From left to right: Matthew Hartfield, Greta Bocedi (main supervisor), Anders Poulsen Charmouh, Marius Wenzel (internal examiner), Jane Reid (co-supervisor, on screen), Rufus Johnstone (external examiner).
Not pictured: co-supervisor Trine Bilde

Congratulations to Dr Anders Poulsen Charmouh, who recently defended his PhD at The University of Aberdeen! Anders was primarily supervised by Greta Bocedi, but he carried out a project in the lab looking at how to measure strongly deleterious mutations from genome data using DFE software (preprint here).

Anders has now moved to a postdoc at BIRC, Aarhus University. We wish him good luck with his new position!

Update, 12th June: Greta Bocedi has also published an update on her website, nicely outlining the new findings that are present in Anders’ thesis.